First in the world! Sungen Biomedical obtains FDA’s clinical trial approval of IND SGC001 as an emergency-use antibody drug for AMI
On May 23rd, 2024, Eastern Standard Time, US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approved the clinical trial application for the world’s
first AMI antibody drug, SGC001, as an investigational
new drug (IND). The drug is developed by Beijing Sungen Biomedical
Technology Co., Ltd. (Sungen Biomedical), an innovative biopharmaceutical
company incubated by Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co., Ltd. (SH.688068,
This marks a breakthrough in innovative drug development of Sungen Biomedical and
the overall biopharmaceutical industry.
SGC001 is a monoclonal antibody indicated for
emergency treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The drug is developed
by Professor Zhiwei Sun’s team from Sungen Biomedical, in collaboration with
Professor Jie Du's team from Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel
Diseases, Capital Medical University. AMI is a condition
characterized by death of myocardia due to acute occlusion of coronary
arteries, resulting in high morbidity, mortality, disability rate, and various
serious complications.
SGC001是一款由舜景医药孙志伟研发团队联合首都医科大学北京市心肺血管疾病研究所杜杰教授、李玉琳教授团队共同开发研制的急救用单克隆抗体药物,适用于急性心肌梗死(Acute Myocardial Infarction, AMI)患者的急救治疗。AMI是由于冠脉急性闭塞造成的心肌坏死,具有较高的发病率、死亡率和致残率,并发症多且严重。
is estimated that there are 2.5 million deaths from heart attacks annually in
China. While millions of new myocardial infarction patients are diagnosed
yearly, this group are getting significantly younger. A prospective AMI study
PEACE (Patient-centered evalsuative Assessment of Cardiac Events) in 2020
suggests that the number of AMI patients in China could reach 23 million by
evalsuative Assessment of Cardiac Events)结果显示,预计到2030年,中国的AMI患者数量或可达2300万。
on incidence data from the ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities) study of
NHLBI (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute), AHA (American Heart
Association) indicates that approximately every 40 seconds, one American will
have an MI. The 2005 to 2014 ARIC study estimates that there are 605,000 new
attacks and 200,000 recurrent attacks each year in the US. And 170,000 of these
are silent, without significant symptoms.
美国心脏协会根据NHLBI(国家心脏、肺和血液研究所)的ARIC(社区动脉粥样硬化风险)研究的发病数据进行计算:大约每40秒,就会有一名美国人发生心肌梗死。根据 NHLBI从2005年到2014年ARIC研究所列出的数据,心肌梗死的年发病率估计为605,000次新发作和 200,000次复发。在这805,000个首次和复发事件中,据估计有170,000 例是无症状的。
now, there is no antibody therapy for AMI approved for clinical or commercial
stage. The successful clinical trial application in the United States is an
important milestone of SGC001 and a huge step towards the internationalization
of innovative drugs developed by Sungen Biomedical. Preclinical pharmacodynamic
and toxicological studies reveales that SGC001 has obvious therapeutic effects
on heart failure and pathological remodeling of the heart after AMI, with
significantly decreased mortality rate, reduced infarction size, improved
cardiac functions, good efficacy and a reliable therapeutic window. SGC001 has
the potential to become a first-in-class drug, providing safer and more
effective therapies for AMI patients worldwide.
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